Healthy communication in relationships

At Shifting Sands Psychology Counselling and Education, we understand the profound impact that healthy communication can have on relationships. We believe that fostering strong connections is essential for overall well-being, and our professional clinic offers couples counseling to guide you on this journey. In this blog, we explore the dynamics of healthy communication in romantic relationships, addressing common pitfalls and providing practical tips to enhance the quality of your interactions.

The Power of Listening:

Communication is a two-way street, and one of the most crucial skills is active listening. Deep and positive relationships can only flourish when partners genuinely listen to each other. Common listening mistakes include daydreaming, thinking about responses, passing judgment, and listening with a specific goal in mind.

Active listening involves nonverbal involvement, paying attention to your partner, withholding judgment, and tolerating silence. An effective exercise to revive communication is giving each partner 10 minutes to speak about their day while the other listens actively. This practice builds a foundation of understanding and strengthens the quality of communication.

Positive Responses:

How you respond to your partner's communication matters. Responses typically fall into four categories: nurturing (active constructive), cold (passive constructive), ignorant (passive destructive), and hurtful (active destructive). To improve communication, strive for active constructive responses, showing enthusiasm, genuine interest, and support.

Assume the best for your partner and respond in a way that reflects appreciation and respect. By lifting your partner up, you create a positive communication cycle that enhances the overall quality of your relationship.

Defensive Communication:

A defensive climate impedes constructive conversations. Identify your defensive communication patterns and actively work towards removing these and maintaining a supportive emotional environment. Before speaking, consider if your words might trigger defensiveness, and strive to create an environment that fosters understanding and collaboration. Always be respectful and kind.

Avoiding Over-Communication:

While communication is vital, balance is key. Some couples may find themselves over-communicating, especially in the age of smartphones and constant connectivity. Evaluate your communication habits and ask yourself the purpose behind reaching out. Understanding your motivation helps ensure that your interactions contribute positively to your relationship.

Connecting with Yourself:

Positive psychology emphasises finding solutions and flourishing in life. Remember to connect with yourself as much as you connect with your partner. Reflect on your inner dialogue – is it nurturing or critical? Communicate kindly with yourself, especially when upset, and consider meeting your own needs instead of relying solely on others.

Effective communication is the bedrock of healthy relationships. At Shifting Sands Psychology Counselling and Education, we encourage you to invest in your relationship by proactively developing your communication skills. Seek guidance from our professional clinic to navigate challenges and cultivate a relationship that brings joy, understanding, and fulfillment. Remember, the way you communicate can transform your relationship and contribute to a lifetime of shared happiness

Kaye Dallow


Connection: Simple activities for Stronger Relationships


Wellbeing & Thriving